What Have We Here


The featured picture up there is one of my favourite shots, and in my opinion a very good way to start this off. This is me right here:

I'm going to be your guide today! Let's start with a little tour of this place, shall we? Starting with "Aditi's Space" and "The Aditi Newsletter". In my defence, the site is very new and I haven't gotten creative just yet, but you wait. This is going to be a journey though my camera roll, so that part is completely true. This is my second post, so not a lot of sightseeing in this section. On the top right is my favourite part, Lasagna, so go ahead and be surprised. 

Moving on with a little bit about me, I'm 22 and a Marketing student. Going towards the 'Personal thoughts' section here, I'm very excited about writing my first blog post. It's a little scary because I've never put more than a couple of sentences out there for people to read, given my previous understanding that I won't be writing very well to begin with. 

So I see my doubts, and I raise them two arguments: One, it was one of my goals this year to step out of my comfort zone (which is a slightly enhanced word for hints of social anxiety) and I don't intend for doubts to hold me back. Two, it's my website. Even if I start this off with average writing and average photography, I have enough confidence for about four people combined that I'll get better. 

I have a tons of plans for this website. The newsletter for sure, lots of photography, series of projects I decide to take on, thoughts about marketing, perhaps even consulting at some point and I'm sure I can think of other things later. 

This right here is the end of the exhibit, people. My entire progress in three days -for one post- as I continue to sit and think if my writing is too informal to actually go out there. I'm very curious to see how it changes as I understand my own spectrum of thought. So if nothing else, this site is going to be my personal archive for progress in a lot of things. 

That concludes the tour!

I'm excited. This is going to be fun, guys.